
    ICT – eClassrooms & Labs

    Kendriya Vidyalayas (KV) are renowned for providing quality education to children of Indian defense personnel and other government employees. In today’s digital age, the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education has become imperative to enhance teaching methodologies and learning outcomes. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has recognized this necessity and has been progressively implementing ICT tools and techniques across its schools. This article explores the significance and impact of ICT implementation in schools.

    ICT Infrastructure 
    Sl No. Item Name Quantity
    1 Total No. of Computers available (functional and non-functional) 81
    2 Total No. of functional Computers available for students 18
    3 Student Computer Ratio 6:1
    4 No. of computers in Staff common room 0
    5 No. of computers in Library room 7
    6 No. of computers Labs 2
    7 TouchPanel in BalBatika 0
    8 TouchPanel in Class 1-5 1
    9 TouchPanel in Class 6-8 0
    10 TouchPanel in Class 9-10 0
    11 TouchPanel in Class 11-12 2
    12 Total No. of Computers for Office Staff/ Principal 2
    13 Total No. of Computers for Physics Labs 1
    14 Total No. of Computers for Chemistery Labs 0
    15 Total No. of Computers for Biology Labs 0
    16 Total No. of Computers for Jr. Science Labs 0
    17 Total No. of Computers for CMP/Resource 2
    18 KV having Internet Connectivity YES
    19 Internet Connectivity Type Optical Fibre
    20 Internet Speed 300 Mbps
    21 No. of Computer Labs having Internet Connectivity 1
    22 No. of Computer Labs having LAN Connectivity 1(NON-FUNCTIONAL)
    24 No. of LCD Projector 10(NON-FUNCTIONAL)
    25 No. of TV 2
    26 No. of Digital Photocopier 2
    27 No. of Interactive Board 10
    28 No. of Textpad 10
    29 No. of Visualizer 10
    30 No. of Apple TV, Ipad Pro, Apple Pencil 0